Salesforce automation tips and tricks for increased productivity

Salesforce automation tips and tricks for increased productivity

July 17, 2023

Mateusz Krzywiecki

Mateusz Krzywiecki

Unlock higher productivity with our Salesforce automation tips and tricks. Explore essential features and see real-world impact through our case study. Boost your business operations today!


In today's digital-first business environment, the ability to automate routine tasks and streamline operations is more than just a convenience — it's a game-changer. Among the myriad tools available for business automation, Salesforce stands out as a comprehensive, user-friendly solution that's built with efficiency in mind. With Salesforce, you can manage your customer relationships, sales opportunities, marketing efforts, and more—all from a single platform. But the true power of Salesforce comes from its automation capabilities.

Salesforce automation involves using software to replace manual, repetitive tasks in your sales and marketing processes. Whether it's sending follow-up emails, updating contact records, scheduling meetings, or generating reports, automation allows you to accomplish these tasks more efficiently and accurately. Not only does this save valuable time for your team, but it also allows them to focus on what matters most: building relationships and driving growth.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of Salesforce automation. We'll discuss why it's essential for boosting productivity, explore the built-in automation features Salesforce offers, and share practical tips and tricks you can use to get the most out of your Salesforce system. So, whether you're a seasoned Salesforce user looking to level up your game or a newbie just getting started, you're in the right place.

Ready to supercharge your productivity with Salesforce automation? Let's dive in!

Salesforce automation tips and tricks for increased productivity

1. Why Salesforce Automation is Key to Productivity?

Salesforce automation is not just about replacing repetitive tasks with automated processes. It's about transforming how your business operates, driving increased productivity and efficiency across your organization.

Imagine a world where there are no manual data entries, no forgotten follow-ups, and no chances of human errors. That's what Salesforce automation brings to your team. By automating tasks, your team is freed up to focus on what truly matters - building relationships with customers and closing deals.

When routine tasks are automated, the margin for error is drastically reduced. Data is kept cleaner and up-to-date, which leads to more accurate reports, forecasts, and dashboards. This increased accuracy and visibility into the business help you make informed decisions faster.

Furthermore, Salesforce automation creates a consistent experience for your customers. Automated workflows ensure that no matter who is dealing with a customer, they get the same level of service and follow-up.

In a world that's moving faster than ever, staying productive and efficient isn't just an advantage; it's a necessity. Salesforce automation is your key to unlocking that productivity and staying ahead of the competition.

2. Essential Salesforce Automation Features

The Salesforce platform comes equipped with a suite of powerful automation features designed to drive productivity in any organization. Let's explore these core tools and their capabilities.

  • Workflow Rules: Workflow rules let you automate standard internal procedures, such as sending email alerts, updating field values, and creating tasks. Once you set up a workflow rule, Salesforce does the rest, automatically. For example, you can automate follow-up tasks for your sales team after client meetings or send automated email responses when new support tickets are opened,
  • Approval Processes: In many businesses, certain records need to go through an approval process. Salesforce's Approval Processes tool can automate this. For instance, if you have a discount policy where discounts above a certain percentage need managerial approval, this tool can handle it automatically, routing the discount request to the appropriate person,
  • Visual Workflow (Flow): Visual Workflow, or Flow for short, is the most powerful automation tool Salesforce offers. It's more complex and requires a bit more technical expertise, but with it, you can automate virtually any business process. From complex record manipulation tasks to guided visual processes for your users, Flow can handle it all,
  • Einstein Automate: Einstein Automate is Salesforce's comprehensive suite of AI-powered automation tools, allowing you to build intelligent workflows and integrate data across any system seamlessly.

Remember, while each of these tools offers robust capabilities, the key to successful Salesforce automation is choosing the right tool for the right job. Start by understanding the specific needs of your processes and then select the tool that best fits those needs.

3. Top Salesforce Automation Tips

Harnessing the power of Salesforce automation can take your business operations to the next level. However, to make the most out of it, it's essential to follow some tried and true tips.

  • Understand Your Business Process: before diving headfirst into automation, you must understand your business processes inside out. Map out your workflows, identify bottlenecks, and pinpoint areas ripe for automation. Remember, not every process needs to be automated; focus on those that will yield significant time and cost savings,
  • Start Small and Scale Up: don’t rush to automate everything at once. Instead, start with smaller tasks that don't require complex configurations. As you gain confidence and understand the intricacies of automation, you can gradually scale up,
  • Leverage Standard Features Before Customization: Salesforce offers a wealth of standard features that can automate various tasks. Before considering customizations, exhaust these built-in tools. They're easier to use, require less maintenance, and reduce the likelihood of errors,
  • Test and Optimize: always test your automation rules before deploying them. Make sure they work as expected and don’t create conflicts with other processes. After implementation, monitor their performance and be ready to optimize as necessary. Salesforce automation is not a "set it and forget it" solution; it requires continuous optimization for the best results,
  • Train Your Team: even the best automation setup won't be effective if your team doesn't understand it. Invest time in training your staff on new processes and tools. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and can use the system efficiently,
  • Use Analytics to Measure Success: use Salesforce's analytics tools to track the success of your automation efforts. This can help you identify what's working and what's not, allowing you to make informed decisions about future automation projects.

Remember, Salesforce automation is a journey, not a destination. As your business evolves, so too should your automation strategies. Be ready to adapt, learn, and grow.

4. Expert Salesforce Tricks for Increased Productivity

Once you've mastered the basics of Salesforce and automation, it's time to learn some expert tricks that can take your productivity to the next level.

  • Use Keyboard Shortcuts: Salesforce offers several keyboard shortcuts that can speed up your navigation and data entry. For instance, pressing 'G' and 'D' simultaneously will take you to the global search bar, while 'E' will enable inline editing in list views,
  • Configure Your Homepage: personalize your Salesforce homepage to better suit your workflow. Add components that are relevant to your daily tasks for quick access. This can include things like recent records, task lists, or specific reports,
  • Master Advanced Search Features: use the advanced search features in Salesforce to quickly find the records you need. You can use wildcards, Boolean operators, and other advanced search tools to narrow down your search.
  • Set Up Email Templates and Auto-Responses: if you find yourself typing out the same emails over and over, consider setting up email templates. Salesforce can even send these emails automatically based on certain triggers, saving you a ton of time,
  • Use Chatter for Internal Communication: Rather than relying on email for internal communication, consider using Salesforce's built-in Chatter feature. It keeps all your team's communication in one place and is directly linked to relevant records, making collaboration easier,
  • Leverage the Power of Einstein Analytics: Einstein Analytics is Salesforce's AI-powered analytics tool. It can provide valuable insights, predictions, and recommendations based on your data, helping you make informed decisions quickly,
  • Automate Data Cleaning: Dirty data can lead to inefficiencies and inaccuracies. Use Salesforce's Clean to automate the process of cleaning and maintaining your data.

Remember, the goal of these tips is not just to work faster, but to work smarter. By leveraging the full power of Salesforce, you can reduce manual tasks, increase accuracy, and free up time for high-valu etasks.

5. Case Study: Salesforce Automation in Action

Company: Global Tech Solutions*

Global Tech Solutions, a multinational technology services company, faced the challenge of managing an increasingly large and complex customer base. The sales team struggled with repetitive tasks like data entry and following up on leads, which reduced their productivity and caused opportunities to fall through the cracks.

Identifying the problem

In assessing their challenges, Global Tech Solutions realized that their sales team was spending more time managing data than engaging with customers. They identified a clear need for automation to streamline their sales process.

Implementing Salesforce Automation

Global Tech Solutions implemented Salesforce automation in three significant areas:

  • Lead Scoring and Assignment: they set up automated rules to score leads based on defined criteria like job title, company size, and engagement level. The leads were then automatically assigned to the relevant sales reps, ensuring timely follow-ups,
  • Email Automation: the team created personalized email templates for different stages of the customer journey. Using Salesforce's automation features, these emails were sent out automatically when certain conditions were met,
  • Task Automation: they automated routine tasks like data entry and updating lead status. This freed up the sales team to focus more on customer interactions and less on administrative work.

The Results

Within a year of implementing Salesforce automation, Global Tech Solutions saw a significant improvement in their sales process:

  • Their sales reps spent 40% more time on selling and customer engagement, as they were freed from manual and repetitive tasks,
  • The lead response time reduced by 50%, leading to higher lead conversion rates,
  • There was a 30% increase in customer satisfaction scores due to timely and personalized communication,

This case study showcases how Salesforce automation can transform your sales process, boosting productivity, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

Remember, every business is unique, and automation should be tailored to fit your specific needs. Consider what repetitive tasks are hindering your team's productivity and explore how Salesforce's automation features can help you overcome those challenges.

* Please note, in respect of privacy policies, the company's name in this case study has been changed. However, the challenges faced and the impact of Salesforce automation on their business operations are real and demonstrate the potential power of effectively using Salesforce.

To sum it up

As we've journeyed through the landscape of Salesforce automation, it becomes increasingly clear how it can significantly boost productivity. By understanding its essential features and implementing our top tips and tricks, you too can unlock this potential within your organization. The case of Global Tech Solutions has shown the transformative impact of Salesforce automation when applied effectively.

However, it's important to remember that every business is unique. What works for one might not work for another. Thus, it's crucial to tailor Salesforce automation strategies to your specific needs and continually refine them to achieve optimal results.

Interested in discovering how Salesforce automation can revolutionize your business operations? Looking to increase productivity and streamline processes? Don't navigate these waters alone. Contact us today for a personalized assessment and let's embark on this journey to greater productivity together!